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Leaf Peeping Room Package

Heritage Hotel 522 Heritage Rd, Southbury, Southbury

Leaf Peep 👀 and stay with us this October for $135 a night* 🍂 Your stay includes breakfast for 2, a smores kit, & a map of the local scenic leaf trail! Stay on 10/26 and receive $10 off our...


Emily Dickinson: A Woman Ahead of Her Time

Arts Escape 493 Heritage Road, Suite 4C, Southbury

Join Stephen Collins for six consecutive Fridays for a seminar on the poetry of Emily Dickison, considered one of the giants of American Poetry along with iconic figures such as Walt Whitman and Robert Frost. Long before women had the...


Writing Memoir: Let’s Begin

Arts Escape 493 Heritage Road, Suite 4C, Southbury

Are you interested in writing your story but not sure how to begin? Or do you have stories started that you'd like to develop? This class will launch your memoir-writing journey. This class is designed for those who would like to...


Mine Hill Distillery Spirits Tasting

Southbury Package Store 22 Oak Tree Road, Southbury

We'll be hosting Ken Asplund from the local distillery just up the street in Roxbury. Mine Hill has been a favorite of ours since they first opened and continues to be at the top of our spirits list. Come discover...

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