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International Women’s Day

Southbury, CT

The Pink Chair Project Celebrates: International Women's Day A celebration of Women. Mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, aunts and friends. We Light the Night to celebrate you. Light your luminary, spread the love. Share a photo! For details and purchasing a...

Calvary Food Pantry

Calvary Southbury 354 Kettletown Rd, Southbury Ct 354 Kettletowm Rd, Southbury

The Calvary Food Pantry occurs on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you're in need, please stop in for necessary food supplies! No registration required but please bring an ID.

Start Your Day with the SBA

Arts Escape 493 Heritage Road, Suite 4C, Southbury, CT, United States

Arts Escape is happy to host a festive & fun breakfast in our new location on March 16th at 7:30 a.m. Refreshments will be provided by the soon-to-open Hudson's Cafe & Bistro.

Music from the Emerald Isle

Arts Escape 493 Heritage Road, Suite 4C, Southbury, CT, United States

Arts Escape invites Irish music lovers to their first concert of 2022 with Connecticut’s favorite Irish balladeer Dan Ringrose and musical partner and fiddler extraordinaire Jeanne Freeman.  Engaging entertainers, they have been featured on Connecticut Public Television, Irish festivals and many...


The Luck Of The Irish Is With You @ PiperandDune – SALE & RAFFLE!

Bennett Square 134 Main Street South, Southbury, CT, United States

The Luck of the Irish Is With You! St Patrick’s Day is a time for laughter, tradition and celebrating good fortune, so there’s no better time to honor this fun-loving holiday with a SALE off lots of your favorite brands. ...

History of the Shepaug Railroad

Zoom webinar

The Shepaug, Litchfield, and Northern Railroad was a short independent railroad that was chartered as the Shepaug Valley Railroad in 1868. The Shepaug Railroad was the brainchild of Edwin McNeill who envisioned an industrial corridor that would catalyze development and...


Virtual Teen Cooking Class: Strawberry Stuffed Cupcakes

Southbury Public Library 100 Poverty Road, Southbury

For Grades 6-12. Join the Southbury Public Library and Food Explorers to make Strawberry Stuffed Cupcakes in this virtual cooking class! These vanilla cupcakes are stuffed with an entire strawberry and frosted with whipped cream. Right from the comfort of...


Small Vendor Pop at Farm Stand

Guardians Farm 99 Bates Rock Rd, Southbury

This Saturday at Guardians Farm in Southbury from 11am-3pm! The Drunk Alpaca will have our Award Winning Pies & Cookies as well as our oh so delicious Beer Snacks! Don’t forget to grab some Local Honey for those seasonal allergies!...

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