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Calvary Food Pantry

Calvary Southbury 354 Kettletown Rd, Southbury Ct 354 Kettletowm Rd, Southbury

The Calvary Food Pantry occurs on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you're in need, please stop in for necessary food supplies! No registration required but please bring an ID.

Children’s/YA Writers Forum

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

This popular monthly writer's forum is for beginner and seasoned writers who write for children and young adults. If you are interested in sharing your work for gentle critique and feedback, this monthly group may be just for you. This...

Free – $20.00

Wednesday Sessions – Drawing I & II

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

Are you interested in learning how to draw? Has it been years since you practiced and you feel rusty? In this class you will familiarize yourself with the core fundamental aspects of drawing; contour, shape, and value. Through fun and...


Collage: Painting with Paper with Carol Moore

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

  In this four-week class, students will tear their images without using scissors and experience how to 'paint from paper'. Bring a fun attitude and go back to being a child and creating with torn paper. Students are asked to...


Step by Step Acrylic Painting Class – Spring Session #1

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

This workshop is for all levels of painters, especially beginner students. Students will work from reference photos provided by Anda prior to each class. She will discuss and demonstrate value studies of each composition which will become the layout for...

$295.00 – $320.00

Independent Acrylic Open Studio – Spring Session #1 (with date options)

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

The Open Studio Workshop is for all levels of acrylic painters with award-winning artist, Anda Styler. The class is designed for students to work at their own pace with the guidance of the instructor in a warm non-judgmental environment. Acetate...

$65.00 – $295.00

First Thursday – Open Mic – April

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

Arts Escape invites writers to share their creative work in our monthly open mic. Bring your work-in-progress-either fiction or non-fiction-or something new you're trying out. It promises to be an evening of fun, support, and community. Want to listen only?...


Trivia Night

Heritage Hotel 522 Heritage Rd, Southbury, Southbury, CT, United States

Flex your brain muscles at Trivia, every Thursday in The Tavern at The Heritage Hotel. It's free to play and you compete to win prizes like bottles of wine and beer! This is a fast paced team game, where one...

Monday Sessions – Drawing I & II

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

  Are you interested in learning how to draw? Has it been years since you practiced and you feel rusty? In this class you will familiarize yourself with the core fundamental aspects of drawing; contour, shape, and value. Through fun...


Intermediate Colored Pencil – April 2023

493 Heritage Rd Southbury CT 06844 493 Heritage Rd, Southbury

  This is a colored pencil workshop with award-winning artist Sandie Daignault. This class will provide step-by-step instructions with tips and techniques for the creation of a final painting. This class is for students who have already taken Sandie’s Beginner...


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